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Scroll through the media tab on the application and discover free test lessons and coaching advice. It’s the perfect start to get to know MoNoA and how it can fulfil your physical and mental health needs.

The most important person for us is you. You are the protagonist in our health ecosystem and we visualize how stress impacts your daily life. We try to understand, together with you, how we can optimize this and we provide you with the essentials to make your life more effective.
Scroll through the media tab on the application and discover free test lessons and coaching advice. It’s the perfect start to get to know MoNoA and how it can fulfil your physical and mental health needs.
Get monitored and have the necessary healthcare support at your fingertips, from ‘quick fixes’ to long-term programs and from direct chat to in-depth face-to-face support. Search for the right MoNoA coaches and connect today!
Start following your personal programs. Know what works for you and what doesn’t through our built-in learning mechanisms and feedback loops, so we can detect the best working therapies and coaching methods for you to resolve the impact of your stress.
Once you are onboarded with the MoNoA wearable, you can see in real time what impacts your well-being the most. You will see which stress therapies and coaching methods work for you and how effective they are. These empowered personal data show you how your body and mind operates and where your most fundamental needs are.
MoNoA's coaching philosophy focuses on the long term well-being of our users, resulting in a sustainable life with productive stress levels. Based on many years of coaching experience and scientific research, we believe this is almost impossible to achieve on your own. Working together with MoNoA as your companion along this journey and using the wearable, will leverage your time and efforts to generate the necessary long-lasting effects. Changing habits, thoughts and physical actions take time to implement and happen step by step.
Intelligent Motion
Happy Humans
Health coach
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